HomeEngaging Board By Jo Genii EngngBrdJoGnni
Engaging Board By Jo Genii  EngngBrdJoGnni
Engaging Board By Jo Genii  EngngBrdJoGnniEngaging Board By Jo Genii  EngngBrdJoGnni
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Engaging Board By Jo Genii EngngBrdJoGnni

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Product Description

Every child from the age of 10 months and 1 year start meddling or exploring with the door, window latches, Velcro on shoes and switches. This is a universal problem. We say NO because we do not want the child to be affected. Do not say NO to child. Instead get them the Engaging Board. It lets your child explore and thereby builds fine motor skills, pincer grasp, hand eye coordination and cognitive skills in children.


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